Monday, 27 June 2011

Movie Station

Travelling through Kootenay National Park, early evening. We pulled in for a much needed refuel, after passing through epic mountainous scenery. Suddenly everything felt a little surreal as I glanced over and saw what appeared to be an old London bus, sitting neatly in the gas station surrounds, with an almost too perfect to be true mountain skyline and dusky, soft cloud rippled sunset. The florescent glow thrown down from the pump light gave me the feeling I was standing in a film set for a perfectly lit Coen Brothers scene (or something simularly brilliant). As we were fighting the battle against fading light with no preplanned camping destination, time was not on my side, so I scambled my powershot out of the 4x4 and took just one photo. Not perfect, with the distorted post and questionable composition... but it holds the memory well. 